Meeting notes (verbatim)
30 November 1992
Meeting at Teknekron Software Systems, Palo Alto, CA
Teknekron: Norm Siegler, Dale Skeen
PostModern: Jens Christensen, Prasad Mokkapati, Thane Plambeck
Confidentiality of trade secrets
self-describing data
types package
The APIs
publish/subscribe facility
name-based subcription
pioneered this technology
"areas of overlap"
Continuing obligations
Things were developed while you were at Teknekron
Very broad patent program
Inadvertently using our trade secrets
Engaged experts to confirm
Protect misuse of property
Don't throw rocks at one another
Estimate $150-200K to bring this to litigation
Sentiment not to litigate
Protection for Teknekron
Let both businesses succeed
Personal liability
Behave in a responsible manner
trebled damage
personal risks
Violation of contract/employment agreement
Cooperative courts
protection of software in vogue
Borland Boole/Babbage
We can't have you continue to market our product
Business arrangements
Request that PostModern stop marketing product
Jens Christensen:
We're not marketing your product
We haven't infringed
We don't like current situation
We're not going to admit infringement
We've worked together before, can we work again
C++ object transport
Provide communication interfaces
Find working relationship
Teknekron's business is transporting languages
Provide C, C++, other languages
C++ is just one way to express object-oriented concepts
Abstractions are very hard to duplicate
Other sources for self-describing nature of data,
publish/subscribe, Teknekron wasn't first
C doesn't = C++
In the near term:
Reiterate asking PostModern to remove it from marketplace
Embodied ideas
Objective is to protect Teknekron's own intellectual property
PostModern stops marketing it
Teknekron does not file lawsuit
Terms discussed in interim
Micron Technologies
Specifically, stop selling to Micron
It's a nice design, you guys did a good job.