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Dan Hoey

Good to hear it's better. I hope the tinnitus has gone away--that sounds awful. I think tinnitus caused by infection is acute, but there's a chronic form, caused (I think) by hearing loss. Chronic as in permanent--people say it's maddening.

Thane Plambeck

Yes, I can't imagine having that ringing sound going on indefinitely. Maddening would be the right word.

I'm not hearing it anymore, thank God

Dan Hoey

He would have been a good man if it had been somebody there to give him an MRI every minute of his life.

Dan Hoey

Thane, just in case I communicated a sentiment opposite to what I feel, I want you to know I'm really glad you're better. And the O'Connor paraphrase isn't about you, but about the situation that you are not in.


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