Tired of: A. E. Housman, Walter Benjamin, Kafka, gratuitous French, "what every educated reader must know," translators writing about their work and/or word selection, email from gun control lobbyists, Santayana, 8th grade algebra problems that truly do require calculators, the S&P 500, batteries, laundry, weekly trash pickup that seems to occur 4 times per week. Bathroom trashcans that don't self-empty, my inability to play piano a tempo.
More please: Fringe dictionaries (Hawaiian, crossword puzzle, Icelandic (set in marvelous TeX)), maps, digital illustration, biographies that don't conjure images of working 3x5 notecards as I'm reading them (Chernow Titan, Lindley's Degrees Kelvin), university press mailing lists, psychiatric classification, cinematic science videos (par exemple), Bruce McCall, Schubert Op. 50, D. 779, books on counterpoint, modern architecture porn, accountants (yes, there seems to be a shortage), reality TV & documentaries, Jose Ortega y Gasset [Full of disappointment he wrote: 'Liberalism - it is well to recall this today - is the supreme form of generosity; it is the right which the majority concedes to minorities and hence it is the noblest cry that has ever resounded in this planet. It announces the determination to share existence with the enemy; more than that, with an enemy that is weak. It was incredible that the human species should have arrived at so noble an attitude, so paradoxical, so refined, so acrobatic, so antinatural. Hence, it is not to be wondered at that this same humanity should soon appear anxious to get rid of it. It is a discipline too difficult and complex to take firm root on earth. link]
Borderline: Yeats. Possibly Evelyn Waugh. My hair.