THANE: (To Gloria) I see that your two sons aren't too inclined to wait for you to be served before they dig in to their respective meals.
GLORIA: YesCole, Owenif you would like to learn some manners, well, I'm available to help you. Maybe you can use them on a date or something, you know, when you're trying to impress someone.
THANE: Rightsome kind of formal class, led by your mother. Sort of like cotillion. She'd lead the class early in the morning for you two.
COLE: Is it polite to take notice when someone is not being polite?
THANE: Ahgood one, good question. I wished I'd thought that one myself. Perhaps when I'm slurping cereal or bread crumbs are tumbling out of my mouth I'll use that one. Anyway, here comes your mother's soup anyway. Why not just dig in? I'll confess to having had a little bit myself.