Each of these sentences below was generated at random by a computer algorithm. (For the moment, this algorithm is named "Let Sparky Write It," but that will probably change...)
Sparky uses a Markov model derived from books in the Google nGram "English One-Million" dataset, together with other hacks. From http://ngrams.googlelabs.com/info:
The "Google Million". All [these books were written] in English with dates ranging from 1500 to 2008. No more than about 6000 books were chosen from any one year, which means that all of the scanned books from early years are present, and books from later years are randomly sampled. The random samplings reflect the subject distributions for the year (so there are more computer books in 2000 than 1980). Books with low OCR quality were removed, and serials were removed.
Enough boring intro!
I am creating a flurry of wild seed.
His stories had been icy. Should be vitally important, the effect.
His prose style: a sulfurous odor of cedar and pine plantations on the palm opened.
There is little solidarity among the networks.
And he poured on the colonies the only mills in Shanghai could not thaw.
His work reminds us of thirty barrels of beer per head!
I truly belonged to small committees.
We had appeared frequently in economic speculation and gossip.
He married Eve Clotterboke.
He was outrageous with the phrasing of the HEAVENS.
In 1902, a small laser.
He resigned from his virtues.
He was Nicholas.
They were edited by Monica Wilson and Audubon; the walking was easy.
Saved: largely by technological advances in divine righteousness.
Now, then, whenever: The first credits.
Drive them precipitately to the experimental fields of inquiry.
The expedition from Mexico to east of Lake Saint-Lager.
The legislature itself looked gratified.
She was standing at the Concertgebouw Orchestra in a Stile.
The French---or those who transacted a great Elizabethan age.
The new shade of weakness. He was dour and sullen murmurs.
It died--like so many--in its natural secretions.
A German staff of officers were Lieutenants.
Some Thoughts about the Anti-Jacobinism.
I was steaming like a ruffled shirt bosom.
The Democrats appeared to all the diocesans.
The Nazis---he was shaken with equal pain.
The low and projecting ledges and shoals.
Invigorated by an extrusion die.
He was pleasant and fitting (see Museum of Copenhagen and St. Chrysostom).
The national congresses of Soviets.
A new aerodrome.
There were 746.