1 jan 1988 : Woke up this morning with a bad hangover. Standing up from my futon, noticed I was invisible from the waist down. Went to take a shower, saw my arms vanish too. In a full length mirror I was able to see only my retinas. Hard to pick up things at first but getting used to it.
3 jan 1988 : Spent yesterday thinking of my new powers. I can turn invisible almost at will. Put on a suit, went invisible and looked just like all the stupid movie invisible men. Resolved to never dress while invisible. Must return to work on the fifth.
4 jan 1988 : Several experiments involving eating and drinking. Food visible in my mouth until I close it. Stays invisible if I open it again. Starting to think of some get rich schemes. Can't decide how obvious my retinas are.
5 jan 1988 : Went to work invisible. Good that I dont have to drive there. Went visible in bathroom, realized that I was naked, and for a moment had trouble vanishing.
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