Here's a primer on 4x4 mini-crosswords. I have posting them daily on Facebook (my name is Thane Plambeck, and my user handle on Facebook is tplambeck).
There are six words to be filled-in (or discovered) in the completed grid.
Four of these words will be 4-letter words that are both clued, and should be filled, as normal "Across" words in crosswords in the usual way.
Four of these words will be 4-letter words that are both clued, and should be filled, as normal "Across" words in crosswords in the usual way.
On the other hand, *none* of usually-expected "Down" words, (including even "1 Down") will be clued, *nor should they be expected to be a word, at all*.
However, there will be *two* clued 8-letter Knight Tours in the 16-cell grid. These two tours will be disjoint (ie, they will share no cell). As a (possible) solving aid, the cells that comprise each 8-letter tour also be symmetrically arranged in the sense that there will be a dihedral motion of the grid that carries the set of cells used by one of the 8-letter tours to the set of cells used by the other 8-letter word.
OK? Feel free to send questions about these puzzles to me via email to Happy solving!
Thane Plambeck