PROBLEM 1: Starting with
"I t
Google thinks
"I tried to do handstands for you"
is a likely completion. Explain. (It baffles me, but I'll guess it's a song lyric. Correct? Go see...)
PROBLEM 2: Starting with
"I c
Google thinks the likely completion has seven words, with 1, 3, 3, 6, 4, 2, and 5 letters, respectively. This is an amusing one.
PROBLEM 3: Starting with
"I d
I'll give you the answer, which is "I drink your milkshake." You're about to land in YouTube and be very confused if you follow up on that one. I couldn't work out quite what it's about. Kind of Dada.
PROBLEM 4: Starting with
"I m
The answer is "I might be wrong but I might be right." It's another bad pop song. I guess these types of queries mostly lead to popular music. If so, not much fun anymore, really. Still, let's press on.
PROBLEM 5: (Extra credit) Starting with
"I n
Provide the corresponding top completion. It's a popular song. But a tough one I think.
PROBLEM 6 (Einstein Level, 19-dan Pop Music Masters only. My hat's off to you if you get it).
"I z
Good luck!